Friday favorite | nursery sneak peak

Hiiiii.  I’m popping in for a quick favorite, just in case you don’t follow me on Instagram and wonder why I’ve been a blogger slacker recently.  Well, I’ll blame it on weekend trips {yay!} and nursery fun. Here’s just a glimpse at what’s going on in there and I’m already in love.  Baby Girl, this is getting real! >>Linkups<< | Amanda | Christina + Darci + Liz + Natasha | Lauren | | Tif + Katie + Caitlin + Della| Karli | | bloglovin | instagram | facebook | pinterest | the studio | By Claire | Filed under Baby, High five for Friday

| Filed under Baby, High five for Friday

October Goals

But first, a quick check on my September goals.  Have devotions every morning | check.  There were very few, if any mornings this got skipped. Baby Girl’s room | I’ve been crafting every free chance I get {which is basically why I haven’t been blogging as much} but it’s not finished.  I also need to organize like crazy in there!  I’m hoping to get a lot done this weekend. Do something fun for Labor Day | I have to go back and look.  Is it just me or was Labor Day forever ago?  We kicked the weekend off with supper… Read More

| Filed under monthly goals

Friday favorites | from the phone

The weekend’s here and I’m a little spoiled because we have a workday at school.  That means that I can get so many things checked off my to-do list and there aren’t many things that make me as excited as a crossed-off list.  That and we’re headed to Greenville to see the whole fam. Here’s a quick recap of my favorite images from my phone. Yep.  And it was so dang good. Terrible picture but it makes me really excited.  This summer, I was fabric shopping with Katrina and found this gorgeous ivory and gold polka dot fabric for 80%… Read More

| Filed under High five for Friday

What’s up Wednesday | September

I’m amazed that we’re at the end of the month already!  And I’m loving that the time is flying by these days… but at the same time, my to do list before Baby Girl gets here isn’t getting accomplished.  Eeeek!  Here’s what we’ve been up to lately! What we’re eating | My friend Angelica posted this beef stew recipe recently and I knew I had to try it.  When she gave me the crockpot version,  it was clearly meant-to-be.  Oh so delicious and keep an eye out for the recipe coming to a blog near you.  It’s my new recipe… Read More

| Filed under What's up Wednesday?

Grace for the daily grind

Your plate is crowded.  You wear many hats throughout the day/week/month.  There’s the laundry, the kids and their activities, your job, cooking dinner, responding to emails, unloading the dishwasher… and that’s just the beginning.  Just to make it through the day.  To keep the status quo.  Nevermind when you have something big that needs your attention too. Exhausting, right? There are some days where I feel like unpacking my lunch {that I took to work} and cooking dinner after working all day should just be a complete day.  Like maybe there should be a crowd of people cheering me on… Read More

| Filed under fashion + feathers

Fall wishlist

Temps have been dropping around here {on some days} and it’s got me ready to pull out my fall wardrobe!  These are the things I’m swooning over recently.  If you want to send them to my house, I promise they’ll be put to good use. Purchase it here from Vessos for $12.89 Can’t you just imagine pairing this with everything this fall?  Jeans and booties, a casual dress… I have so many striped shirts but no striped cardigans. Purchase it here from DressLily for $12.87 I’m obsessed with this chunky sweater because I have nothing in my closet like it.… Read More

| Filed under fashion


via They’re good for the soul, right?  And so necessary. Friday was a quick dinner with the nephews and then I spent the evening getting some things done in Baby Girl’s room.  It was the most productive Friday night on record. On Saturday we went to a family reunion and then on to Chapel Hill to meet our niece.  Since it was a rare occurrence where I actually have pictures to show for our adventures, I’ll just let them tell the story. Dave’s looking pretty good holding a little pink bundle, don’tcha think? >>Linkups<< | Biana + Meghan | Ashley | Erin | Meg | | bloglovin | instagram | facebook | pinterest | the studio | By Claire |… Read More

| Filed under Weekending

A letter to Baby Girl at 30 weeks

Baby Girl, The thought of meeting you in less than three months is so exciting.  I often wonder what facial expressions you’ll make.  Will you get the hiccups as much once you’re born as you do while you live in my belly?  Will you be a good sleeper or will you wake up at all hours of the night?   Every time I feel you move, I just imagine you saying, “Hi, Mom!”  It’s your way of telling me everything’s ok.  When the days at work are busy and I finally get to sit down at my desk at the… Read More

| Filed under Baby

A long overdue update

You know it’s never good when a pregnant woman’s talking about being overdue.  Whew, I did not mean to disappear like I did for a week and a half.  So here’s a little bit of what’s been going on around here… >>Friday, September 4 {the last time I posted, ironically enough} I had to take the day off to do a three hour glucose test.  Except I didn’t even make it through the first hour without losing my lunch.  {And by lunch, I mean 10 ounces of pure sugar.}  I was already frustrated by having to take the day off… Read More

| Filed under Baby, home, home decor, Weekending

Friday favorites | it’s the start of a long weekend

I’m keeping it short and sweet today.  That’s how Fridays should be, right?  Because we’re getting an extra day this time around.  I’m still not sure why somebody doesn’t make this a regular thing.  I’m pretty sure I was made to work a four day week.  Who has time for this working five days a week? David’s hates any kind of acronym or shortened word so anytime I say or type one, he immediately throws out the only acronyms he knows. When you have a fabulous hair girl who works miracles on your hair… this is what you do. #carselfies… Read More

| Filed under High five for Friday