A double dose of Christmas

After our Asheville weekend, things have been nonstop.  So nonstop that I have taken an embarrassing amount of zero pictures.  Well, almost. /// We’ve had a couple of basketball games, Christmas in Newton with the Hoots and Christmas in Winston with the Pierces.  I came down with a virus during the Hoots Christmas and David caught it in Winston during the Pierce Christmas. But even in the midst of a little bit of sickness, here are a few things I’ve learned this Christmas season… {1} The longer you’re married, the more it feels like our Christmas traditions instead of his family or my family.… Read More

| Filed under Weekending

The ironic Christmas card post

Merry Christmas, friends! I designed this card over the Thanksgiving weekend and it was shipped to me just a few days later.  And as I write this from my hotel room in Asheville for our #5yearslater trip, they’re still sitting on my kitchen counter.  Not addressed.  Not stamped.  No sweet notes have been written.  Not a single one has been mailed. Shoulda done a new years card.   By Claire | Filed under Uncategorized

| Filed under Uncategorized


We spent this weekend in Asheville to celebrate the day that we got engaged five years ago. Saturday morning, we packed up and hit the road around 10.  Our weekend consisted of eating, a little wine drinking, the Biltmore twice, hot-tubbing and all around relaxation.  And pictures tell a much better story than I do. It’s wonderful to reminisce on that weekend five years ago.  As much as things have changed and we’ve grown and learned, it feels so magical to know I made the right choice saying yes to this guy. {Linkups} | Biana | Meghan | Ashley | Leeann | Kimberlee | Molly | By Claire | Filed under Weekending

| Filed under Weekending

An ecard for everything

This has been a great week!  No, I didn’t get my Christmas shopping done.  {Why didn’t I do that online?  Wasn’t that my goal?  Do I still have time for online shopping?} Still haven’t found a new refrigerator.  But sometimes you just gotta roll with it.  {My motto, as of late…} Tuesday started out in a less than stellar way.  Saturday was my work Christmas party and when we got home, David hit the garage door button.  It was rising… then started going really slow… then BANG.  Hit the ground. Short story is a bunch of stuff broke {gears, chains, belts…… Read More

| Filed under High five for Friday

Two ways to wear leopard print flats

Two ways to wear is my favorite.  It’s been missing for a week or two so I’m pumped to bring it back! Before we get into the outfit, lets establish two things… {One} Yes, I know I whined about not being able to find leopard print flats for about a month.  But then I found some at Express for 40% off and I’m pumped that I bought them.  I can’t believe this is their blog debut because I’ve worn them multiple times a week.  Every week. {Two} I’m obsessed with Christmas movies on Hallmark.  And I get my fashion inspiration… Read More

| Filed under fashion, Two ways to wear

Black skinny pants for life

I have three pair of black skinny pants and they all get pulled out of the closet alllll the time.  Casual day at work where I just feel like throwing my hair in a ponytail?  Yep.  A dressed up day at work?  Mmmhmm.  A night out?  Probably so.  All that and everything in between. Tell me I’m not the only one.  They’re just so versatile, right?  I can wear them with errrthang. #blackskinnypantsforlife By Claire | Filed under fashion

| Filed under fashion

Weekend baking + favorite winter look

via  Since my Friday nights are spent in a basketball gym, the weekends don’t really start until Saturday morning these days.  Good thing Saturday and Sunday are top notch.  I’ve loved filling my recent weekends with Christmas cheer.  Last week, Katrina and I spent the day crafting these beauties. I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out. So this weekend was time to make some Christmas deliciousness! {Hang on, let me go grab some of the leftovers to munch on as I type.} We had so much fun making all this!  It did take foreverrrrrr but once it was… Read More

| Filed under fashion, Weekending

Friday, I love you.

via We’re winding down on another busy week and it has felt so good to have one flow smoothly because that wasn’t the case last week.  I’ve been looking forward to this weekend for about a month now.  Because tomorrow is the day to bake all the Christmas goodies!  Katrina and I will be playing Christmas music and toasting with hot chocolate and dipping pretzels in white chocolate! Here are the highlights from this week. Two David stories for you. 1.  I may have mentioned before that David is obsessed with the word, “trending” {and he always says it that… Read More

| Filed under High five for Friday

{DIY} Christmas pillows

I’ve been wanting to make these pillows for weeks and I finally had the time to do them this weekend! I mean, how great are those?  For my house, I wanted some neutral pillows that would bring a little Christmas cheer into the room. I bought 18×18 pillow covers from Hobby Lobby and just used the pillows that are usually in the living room to stuff the covers. For the first two pillows, I used a mechanical pencil and then switched to a wooden one that had lead that was already a little dull.  It seemed to work better on… Read More

| Filed under DIY, home, home decor

Taco soup recipe

If you’re anything like me, you have a few go-to recipes that shuffle through pretty often.  If you know David, you know he loves to eat. And if he likes something and doesn’t get it at least once a week, he’ll ask if he ever gets it again.  Apparently a 7 day period is too long for him to go without something he likes. For years, our winter staple has been chili.  A coworker gave me this taco soup recipe a few weeks ago and the first time I made it, he said it ranks as high as chili. #shockedface… Read More

| Filed under Crockpot, recipe