December 15, 2015
Happy one month, Precious! I can hardly believe it’s already been an entire month that you’ve been with us because time has zoomed by so quickly. But at the same time, it feels like we were always meant to be a family of three and you’re the perfect fit.
You’ve been so patient with our learning curves and your personality has started to show even more in the last couple days. When Daddy lays you on his chest, we love to watch how you squirm until you’re positioned exactly where you want. Usually, your head is buried in his arm and your booty is in the air and we get a good laugh out of it. One of my favorite things is to listen to Daddy sing to you. It seems that no matter how fussy you are, you calm down. {Plus, you’re the only person that doesn’t call him out on messing up the lyrics!}
To me, it feels like you eat nonstop and I guess you’re just trying to make sure you keep the cheeks you were born with. {I’m good with that… smushy cheeks are so kissable!} While you’re getting fed, you cross your ankles and it melts my heart every time. 90% of the time, nursing you is a breeze. The other 10% of the time you get impatient and start this head banging routine and if nothing else, it makes Daddy and I laugh.
When you were 5 days old, Daddy snapped multiple pictures of you smiling in your sleep. Since then, we’ve heard you laugh while you’re off in dreamland, too. You grunt a lot and your Great Gram says that maybe you’ll be an early talker?
From the beginning, it has surprised us how strong you are. You hold your head up like a champ! {Not that we’re biased or anything…}
Last week someone met you and said, “Yep. That’s David Hoots with a bow on his head.” Everyone says you look like Daddy and then they usually look at me with an apology on their face. What they don’t understand is that I hope you always have pieces of your daddy shining through. I can’t think of anyone better for you to be like.
I love you more than you can imagine,
{Technically, this post was written on December 15 – her actual “one month celebration”- and some pictures were attempted but she was NOT interested in them. We’ll work on getting better with the timing…}