The essentials | lemon + peppermint

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I had seen essential oils floating around Pinterest and the bloggy blog world.  And then my sister did some research and jumped on board.

I was just waiting for the right time to join the essentials crew also.  When InstaNatural reached out to me, there was no denying that it was the perfect time.  Because I was familiar with others who used essential oils, I assumed they send 1oz bottles like every other company.  These things are 4oz.  Seriously, that’s a ton of essential oil.  I may never run out!

I knew they were a good alternative to medications but after a little bit of Google searching, I realized it’s so much more!  In about a week, here’s all the ways I’ve been able to use these two essential oils… or ways I plan to use them in the next few weeks.

You know how I love two ways to wear?  That’s because I really like it when items can double up their uses.  It just feels like the item is worth it.  So while I have a list of things from my closet that can be worn a few different ways, it’s no comparison to the ginormous {is that a word?} list of ways you can use essential oils.  Seriously, incredible.  Here are a few of my favorites.

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Lemon at home

1.  Leather upkeep.  An oil soaked rag on leather will prevent cracks and improve the overall look of the leather.  I used this on our sofa and it just looks so fresh!
2.  Refresh laundry.  A few drops of lemon will cure kitchen rags that have that stench that just won’t go away.  Or if you forget to switch the load into the dryer quick enough… lemon is your best friend.
3.  Polish silver.  I don’t have a lot silver that we use on a regular basis, so the items that I do have get neglected sometimes.  But the lemon will polish it up quickly.
4.  Spotless dishes.  I hate to wash things by hand so I throw everything in the dishwasher. Even the wine glasses and I kept noticing a film and water drops on them.  A few drops of lemon and that was cured!
5. Clean cutting board.  Sometimes I think about all the grossness that must be on every cutting board.  But you don’t want to use a cleaner with harsh chemicals.  So a scrub with lemon oil is a natural approach.

Lemon for your body

1.  Rough skin.  Ever notice calluses on your hands or feet?  A few drops of lemon can cure it.
2.  Exfoliate.  Lemon mixed with oatmeal is a great way to scrub your face.  Plus it’s all natural so you can’t go wrong.
3.  Moody much?  I can be accused of being moody sometimes but lemon oil – either diffused or applied to the skin – can improve your mood.
4.  Clear up the cough.  Use lemon in a humidifier and clear up your cough and fight a fever.  

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Peppermint for your  body

1.  Get rid of a headache.  Apply a few drops to your temples and the base of your neck to get rid of a headache almost instantly.
2.  Kick congestion to the curb.  When you start feeling a little stuffy, dab peppermint at the bottom of your nose and you’ll soon be breathing clearly.
3.  Upset stomach?  When you have a stomach ache, peppermint can be internalized or applied topically for quick relief.
4.  More motivation needed.  We all feel this way at times and a drop of peppermint underneath your tongue can help you feel more alert and focused.  It can also help take the stress away.
5.  Mmmmm!  Peppermint can be added to drinks {hot chocolate, anyone?} to add flavor.
6.  Shampoo.  Peppermint is an antiseptic so adding a few drops to your lather will help get rid of lice and dandruff.  {This smells much better than apple-cider vinegar I remember using as a kid.}
7.  Ease mouth pain.  Peppermint will lessen the pain from toothaches, sore gums, recent dental work and even cold sores.  Bonus: the taste won’t make you gag.
8.  Sore feet?  Apply peppermint to a cool compress and prop your feet up after a long day.

All that and it’s just the tip of the iceberg.  A simple Google search will give you so many additional uses.  These are the ones I felt like we would use regularly.  Want your own?  Click on the link for lemon or peppermint and get them delivered to your house.  I promise, you’ll use them like crazy.

I received this product in exchange for my honest and unbiased feedback.


Joey & Kristin | Annie & Natalie |

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  • I have been wanting to try peppermint oil for my migraines to see if it would help them at all, but with my migraines comes a sensitivity to smells so I always get nervous to try. lol! I had no idea there were so many uses for lemon oil tho! Great review girl!

  • Love it! Thinking about all the germs on the cutting boards kills me! -Dorrie @ Bear Den Plantation

  • Love this! I am a firm believer in both lemon and peppermint….I squeeze fresh lemon into almost everything I drink (water) and save the squeeze lemon to get a sniff of happy from! Peppermints are always in my bag, they seem to relieve everything! Love this!

  • I should get into essential oils! I need to go buy some now!

  • I’ve seen them like you floating around and I’m weary but then I hear the results and am torn!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston

  • Susannah

    What great big bottles!!!! I’m so weary of essential oils because I sometimes feel like they’re a lot of hype but I also really want to try them to see what they can do!

  • I’ve seen these before but never really looked into them. People that like them seem to really love them! I might need to look into the peppermint one!

    • I have absolutely LOVED them. Yesterday my neck muscles were really tense so I rubbed peppermint directly on my neck and shoulders and I could FEEL it working.

  • I have been wanting to try out oils for a while now! It’s just so hard to get that stuff here in Manila unless you want to pay an arm & a leg for it. Maybe I’ll pick some up while I’m visiting home soon so I can give it a try!

    Stopping by from Stuff & Things :)

    • Oh man, I bet that is rough. I didn’t even think about that. But these 4oz. bottles would seriously last you so long! I think you would totally get your money’s worth out of them.

  • I was always perplexed by the Hospital Fair (small town living) selling lemons with peppermint stick straws. Now it makes sense! They really do go together! :) Great tips!!!

    • After only having them for like two weeks, I’ve used them like crazy! But I’ve never heard of a Hospital Fair.