You know it’s never good when a pregnant woman’s talking about being overdue. Whew, I did not mean to disappear like I did for a week and a half. So here’s a little bit of what’s been going on around here…
>>Friday, September 4 {the last time I posted, ironically enough} I had to take the day off to do a three hour glucose test. Except I didn’t even make it through the first hour without losing my lunch. {And by lunch, I mean 10 ounces of pure sugar.} I was already frustrated by having to take the day off to do something like this… my day’s off are supposed to be spent with Baby Girl! So when I found out that I’d have to come back and start over again… let’s just say the hormones took over. I may or may not have spent the next two hours crying. In bed. It’s a good thing we had already been invited to hang out with our best friends that night because it gave me something to look forward to and a reason to pull it together.
>>That same day I also noticed that I was congested but I just assumed it was from all the crying. Wrong. Back to school with all these germy kids got me sick just two weeks in!
>>Saturday we went to pick up our furniture! We now have the most comfy living room sofas and a chair in Baby Girl’s room now and David has a very happy wife.

>>On Sunday my cold had gotten worse so I decided a little bit of {doctor approved} medicine needed to happen and then I went right back to sleep. David brought me some lunch and, y’all… I could barely lift my fork to my mouth. I felt like I was in a fog and didn’t know what was wrong. So I went back to bed. When I woke up from nap number two, I realized I had taken the nighttime meds. Thank God, that’s all it was. Maybe I just needed a day to sleep.
>>The following week was only a four day week, which you know makes me incredibly happy. What doesn’t make me happy? Four days to do five days of work. How does that always happen? Work was busy but I was also in the middle of helping out with some extra-curricular events. So instead of blog posts last week, I wrote a pep rally script. #lifeofahighschoolteacher
>>Over this past weekend, David and I had a date night. And when I went to post the picture to instagram, it got me thinking about how our non-babysitter nights are quickly coming to a close. What a different meaning the term date night will soon take on.
>>Speaking of time flying… Sunday was 30 weeks. I’m preparing myself for her to make a late appearance but still. 10 weeks! {heart eye emoji!} I feel like I have lots of things to accomplish in that short period of time.
>>One of those things that needs to get checked off the list is her room. Now that we have the chair, I’ve been designing some fun quotes to hang on the wall and David spray painted some shelves for me. There’s still several more steps before we’re at the place of a nursery reveal but hopefully within two weeks. #fingerscrossed
>>And while we’re talking about Baby Girl… remember how much trouble I was having with the name game? All the comments were so supportive and it really gave me the feeling of I can do this. We can do this. So a friend at work suggested we start saying the name we like when we’re at home, just the two of us. So we’ve been doing that and at first, it felt so weird. Like it wasn’t real. But it’s starting to feel more and more real and I think we’re really close to 100% saying that’s her name. And it feels really good.
>>Yesterday, I had to take the day off again to do this glucose test thing and I was able to complete the whole thing! Now we just wait on the results…
>>And to finish out this longer than anticipated post, here’s some recent pictures I’ve snapped.
>>As much as I miss out on writing when I don’t have the time to blog, I also miss out on reading all my regular blogs for the week. Leave a link to your favorite post from last week so I can start to get caught up!
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