Friday is such a happy day, right? The weekend is right around the corner so somehow it just makes the day go by faster. Here’s to a fast Friday… and a few of my favorites!
Did you see Julie’s 5 ways to wear the LUCKY GIRL graphic tee? {Yeah, she totally put my whole two ways to wear thing to shame.}
Walking out of the basketball banquet Monday night, the sky looked like this.
How gorgeous is that? After a long day, it was so refreshing to see God’s glorious creation.
The other night, I treated myself to a new bag from TJ Maxx. While writing this post, it seemed wayyyy easier to find the purse on their website than walking over to it, taking a picture, and then uploading it. I couldn’t find my bag but wow, they have some great ones on their site. Why do I always forget you can shop TJ Maxx online now?
I’ve been known to blast some music and scroll through some ecards. Just helps lighten the mood, ya know?
NCAA tournament started this week and I’m pretty sure this is the only year I haven’t filled out a bracket. #sadday #toobusy
| Amanda | Christina + Darci + Liz + Natasha | Lauren |
Tif + Katie + Caitlin + Della| Karli | Leanne |
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